We have changed our name to Simply Tasty Creations.
We have changed our name to Simply Tasty Creations.
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You can choose any of our products to create a unique gift crate for that special person for any occasion. All you have to do is choose every item you want to be included in your custom gift crate. Then send us an email with your choice of items to dbrown@simlytastycreations.net.
After you let us know which items you want included. We will then create a total for your order and send an invoice to you via Square. After the invoice has been paid, we will then package your items in the appropriate sized crate, and ship it to you or make arrangements for in store pick up.
Our customizable gift crates are made of western pine, and come in a number of sizes including: 6" x 8", 8" x 10", 10" x 10", 10" x 12", and 12" x 12". We nest your items into a bed of soft crinkle paper or fine excelsior wood strands. We use shrink wrap to seal and protect your items. We can also apply seasonal or occasional bows and ribbons upon your request to accent your gift.
Simply Tasty Creations
1500 N. Reed Rd. Kokomo, IN 46901 US
After adding so many new items to our product line we have decided to change our name from Simply Tasty Jam to Simply Tasty Creations. Our new web address is www.simplytastycreations.net Please continue to support our business through this transition.