We have changed our name to Simply Tasty Creations.
We have changed our name to Simply Tasty Creations.
Signed in as:
One of the things that we pride ourselves on is that all of our products are always homemade, so any of our products that are labeled Simply Tasty Creations are always homemade. It is important to us at Simply Tasty Creations to stick to the old way of doing things, Many of our recipes have been handed down from several generations. We never use any industrial equipment or factory processing.
Our customer base has grown tremendously, we are now serving retail customers in eleven different states as well as in Indiana where we have a substantial following for our products. Simply Tasty Creations products are featured in seven retail stores around the country including, Indiana, Arkansas, & Tennessee. Some of our products can be found and purchase in Hurricane Mills, Tennessee at Loretta Lynn's Dude Ranch gift shop. We are so honored that the most awarded female country music artist and her family was impressed with our products and began selling them.
We started this business by traveling from town to town and setting up our booth for Craft Shows. Festivals, and County Fairs, where we meet many wonderful people, and have developed a desire for quality and exemplary customer service that will continue no matter how large we grow.
Simply Tasty Creations
1500 N. Reed Rd. Kokomo, IN 46901 US
After adding so many new items to our product line we have decided to change our name from Simply Tasty Jam to Simply Tasty Creations. Our new web address is www.simplytastycreations.net Please continue to support our business through this transition.